Use PSC as seed starting and cutting propagation ingredient in mixes at 1:5 to 1:10 by volume.  Inoculate seeds in PPT solution before planting.  Full Circle adds beneficial bacteria and mycorrhizal seed fungi for propagation mixes and improves seedling health and size. 

Use Premium Soil Conditioner as ingredient in soil amendments when planting or potting.  Use in 1:5 to 1:20 ratio by volume. Great mixed with weed-seed-free leaf compost or well-composted manure, sand, and blended potting mixes. 

 Top feed field-grown, indoor & outdoor deck containers, and potted plants every two to four weeks with PSC just before watering.  Use six tablespoons for a 12” diameter pot. Soil replacement in containers may still be needed every 3-4 years depending on your plant’s appetite. Fruiting and flowering plants will benefit feeding PSC 2x month and using our Premium Plant Tonic for soil drench or foliar application 2-3x month. 

Use our concentrated Premium Plant Tonic diluted in water on any indoor or outdoor plant including foliar or soil application. Use 1-3x month depending on plant appetite. Most Indoor plants can be fed year-round.   Use on succulents, orchids, and carnivorous plants.
Replenish your vegetable/perennial beds in any season with our PSC.  1 lb or 4 cups combined with 20 lbs of leaf humus covers 50-100sf. Double your coverage (1lb per 50sf) if fungal infestation exists and repeat every two weeks for six weeks.

Use PSC as top dressing for lawn/turf rejuvenation in combination with leaf humus in spring and fall. Use when overseeding in the fall.  1 lb (4 cups) combined with 20 lbs leaf humus covers 100sf. Increase PSC concentration (1lb per 50sf) if fungal infestation exists any season. Full Circle is great for problem spots caused by female dog urine. USE our Lawn and Garden REJUVENATOR concentrated liquid with our garden hose adaptor for easy application.

Full Circle Plant Foods are necessary for overworked, overfertilized, and sterilized (from herbicides) soils.   Our beneficial microbes are absolutely necessary for healthy plants and turf and assist in nutrient uptake at the roots. 

Made in small batches with 100% organic, natural ingredients

Made to be used everywhere! Indoors, outdoors, house plants, gardens, planters, farms

Why It Works

The best gardening practices build up a garden’s soil carbon reserves. 

An increase of stable carbon in the soil improves it.  Humus and glomalin are manufactured by beneficial bacteria in the soil.  These are stable forms of carbon in the soil.  Their presence increases soil fertility, soil moisture retention, aeration, nitrogen fixation, mineral availability, disease suppression, and soil structure.  

“A tree with strong roots laughs at storms.”

While the flowers, leaves, and fruits are what you see the ultimate health of a plant lies in the root zone. Roots absorb water and nutrients helping to promote strong growth, plus in times of too much or too little water & nutrients, roots play a key role in keeping the plant healthy and happy. Ensuring that the soil & area around the roots is nutrient rich and healthy is crucial.

Nature is a perfected system where everything has a role to play and each part helps another.

Microbial community = plant growth = carbon & nitrogen in soil = growth of microbial community... and repeat! Picture it like the recycle symbol, one big cycle helping itself.
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Dig A Little Deeper...

Carbon: Crucial source of nutrients, helps to provide resilience, increases microbial activity, water storage and availability to plants, and protects soil from erosion.
Humus: Material resulting from partial decomposition of plant or animal matter and forming the organic portion of soil.
Glomalin: Microorganisms that aid in acquiring nutrients in plants.
Microbes: Beneficial soil microbial communities are fundamental in the nutrient cycle to establish and maintain a thriving ecosystem. They break down crops, cycle nutrients, and stimulate root growth.
Nitrogen: Mineral nitrogen is vital to plant growth. In a healthy soil, nitrogen fixation comes from good bacterias that help supplement cycles that crops can't always do on their own. Bacteria absorbs nitrogen gas from the air and releases it into the soil.
Root Zone: Consists of sand, humus, topsoil and other organic materials that are blended together to create a soil that provides the right balance of drainage, aeration, and water-holding capacity for plants to thrive.
Symbiotic: Two things that provide the conditions necessary for the other to continue to exist (think: plant pollinators & plants, microbes & rootzone).


Synthetic 😢

    • Creates salt buildup in your soil
    • Destroys the microbial health and long-term viability of the growing environment
    • Stressed plants draw more predatory insects and disease
    • Plants absorb, when you grow fruits & veggies with synthetic fertilizer you are losing nutritional value and adding in artificial chemicals.

Full Circle Plant Care 😀

    • Plants grow stronger, healthier, better!
    • Improve microbial activity with the addition of beneficial bacteria and fungi
    • Improve the absorption of nutrients and water
    • Stimulates growth hormones and root structure
    • Your plants will better handle stress from summer heat 
    • Many of us no longer ingest the same beneficial biology from eating organically grown food as our ancestors did. It’s time to eat smarter, demand healthier practices from commercial farming, and to grow a few of your own veggies and fruits, be it tomatoes, berries or whatever your taste buds crave! 


Our Premium Plant Tonic .4-.05 -.5 (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium guaranteed analysis) blends crucial organic ingredients to help your plants, lawn, and vegetables by directly feeding the root zone in your plant’s growing media. We have brewed a versatile concentrate for feeding indoor and outdoor plants, including fruits, vegetables, roses, shrubs, lawns, as well as your most precious houseplants, succulents, and exotics including orchids.

Carbon and nutrients encourage maximum health and growth. Dilute 2-4oz (4-8tbs) per half gallon (64oz) of clean water every other watering. Many vegetative, fruiting, and flowering plants as well as most lawn turf species will tolerate a greater concentration for additional benefit. Keep product away from sunlight and heat. We also offer a preset garden hose adaptor for use with our 32oz bottle for 1600sf coverage using a 40psi, 10gpm spigot.


Our Premium Soil Conditioner 4.5-1.6-3.1-2.5 (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium-Calcium guaranteed analysis)is 100% worm-worked material, not blended with peat moss or leaf compost. Use it as a component in potting or transplant mixes to introduce healthy nutrients. Feed indoor and outdoor plants periodically by top-dressing over the root zone to bolster nutrients early as the best alternative to synthetic fertilizers. Natural slow release allows for safe and easy feeding. 2-3x per month is recommended for heavy feeders. You should see results with one application per month for most plants. 

Beneficial nutrients encourage maximum health and growth. Natural slow release allows for safe and easy feeding. Follow instructions on the label and find additional information on the Uses page. Fruits, vegetables, annuals/perennials, roses, shrubs, small trees, and lawns, as well as houseplants, succulents, and exotics will all benefit from one or both of our products. 

Full Circle Plant Care is for everyone, from proud house plant parents to hobby gardeners to nurseries. 
Our products are safe for our plants and safe to use in spaces where our pets and people play. 

It's made to use everywhere!
Artificial environments like house plants, raised beds, planters, containerized indoor and outdoor plants
Urban environments with small spaces and less natural helpers (sun, humus, etc)
Backyard gardens, flowers, fruits and vegetable producers
Lawns of any size
Small farms growing big (or working to restore commercial farms back into regenerative land.
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